AndroZip File Manager - App Android (RAR, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, 7zip),

Works as file manager, archive manager (ZIP, encrypted ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, 7ZIP), app backup, Task manager, search files, app installer, send files, app installer.
Has multiple/batch move, copy, delete, create ZIP
Installs to SD card (app 2 SD)
AndroZip can create encrypted (AES 256 bit) ZIP files compatible with WinZip.

Work with archives: ZIP, RAR, 7ZIP, GZIP, TAR, BZIP2


File manager with multiple/batch delete, move, copy, create ZIP

Task killer, application manager

Install apps: APK files

Short tap and long tap menus

Send files via mail

AndroZip can also unpack 7Zip files but if dictionary file used to create 7Zip file is less or equal 6 MB. If it is larger (like 64 MB ... 1 GB) then due to limited RAM size unpack operation will fail.
AndroZip Download (Android Market)

Twitter : @AndroZip

AndroZip on Market

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